Will-Making Process – Explained in More Detail
Estate planning and getting your Will in place consists of the following stages:
- MAKE AN APPOINTMENT - Call to make an appointment. Evenings and weekend appointments are available for your convenience.
- DOWNLOAD THE CHECKLIST - Before our first meeting, you should print off my simple one-page WILLS-CHECKLIST which will help you to prepare information and documents required for the first meeting.
- FIRST MEETING - We will sit down and talk about your family; recall each of your assets and make a list of important information and gather all documents that your trustee will need to administer your estate; gather any legal information required to find out true ownership of various properties; talk about various obligations which your estate would be subject to, such as rights of spouses, rights of other dependents etc.
- RESOLVING OUTSTANDING ISSUES - Should there be matters that we didn't resolve during the first meeting, we will continue to work on them after that time. We will talk on the phone, correspond by email or even meet again if necessary until all outstanding issues and questions have been addressed. After that time, I will prepare the draft documents.
- REVIEWING DRAFT DOCUMENTS - You will have ample time to review the draft documents and ask questions. When you approve the content of the documents, we will agree to meet for their proper signing.
- SIGNING OF FINAL DOCUMENTS - We will meet for the signing of your Will and related documents in front of two independent witnesses.
- Approximately one month after you started the process, you will have your estate plan ready, your Will signed, your Powers of Attorney in place.
- Making an appointment and
- Downloading my simple one-page WILLS-CHECKLIST to help you prepare for our first meeting.