For persons or couples with minimal assets, I recognize the importance of having a Will and Powers of Attorney, so I offer a special discounted fee as a service to my community: $200 - 400 + HST, otherwise:
For one person:
Estate planning, Last Will and Testament, Power of Attorney for Property, and Power of Attorney for Personal Care: $400-700* + HST
For a couple (husband and wife):
Estate planning, two Last Wills and Testaments, two Powers of Attorney for Property, and two Powers of Attorney for Personal Care: $700-1,000* + HST
* The process of getting a Will done at my firm includes estate planning, takes approximately a month and a half, includes several face-to-face meetings, gives you a chance to organize things on your end (with my help), gives you a chance to ask many questions, and ends with the signing of all required documents. See Will Making Process - Explained for further details.
**I offer in-home consultations for seniors living in Mississauga.
Advice to family members regarding their rights and responsibilities after the death of a loved one. Reasonable fees.
Application to probate a Will (also known as application for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee With a Will): $2,000* + HST
Application to administer an estate without a will (also known as application for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee Without a Will): $2,000* + HST
Advice to estate trustee during estate administration. Reasonable fees.
Advice regarding insolvent estates. Reasonable fees.
Will-Review Consultation: $200 + HST (you have an old will and you don't know if it still works for you)
Executor Consultation: $200 + HST (you are named executor, and you don't know how to begin)
Power of Attorney Consultation: Reasonable fees. (your loved one is in the hospital and you are acting as the power of attorney. You don't know what are your duties and responsibilities.)